Friday, May 18, 2007

It Takes a Village to reverse Global Warming

I know that it seems that we have to wait on government to save the planet from Global Warming because it is just too big of a problem for us mere mortals to handle. But we've seen what a mess government make when they attempt to fix the simplest of problems.

Believe it or not there is a lot that you can do to help reverse Global Warming. The best part is that it will actually save you money in the process. Just by simply replacing the incandescent light bulbs in your home with low wattage fluorescent light bulbs you can cut your energy consumption by up to 75%. Because these Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs (CLF) use 1/4 of the electricity as their hotter, inefficient counterparts, replacing them will save you up to 75% of cost that you spend monthly on lighting your house. They provide the same amount of light as the bulbs they replace, and even though they cost more initially, they actually cost less because they can last up to six times as long as the bad guys.

Now I know you're saying, "But I'm just one person and my little effort won't make a difference". Well we have came up with a solution that will allow you to help motivate your friends and family to get involved in a most convincing manner without you even opening your mouth to speak. We have created a line of Global Warming T-Shirts that allow you to effectively communicate with your friends and family in a most powerful manner without sounding like a geek. Once they see you wearing the T-Shirts regularly, they will become curious and ask you for more information on the new compact fluorescent light bulbs. You simply tell them that you have made the switch to CFL's and that you are saving as much as $1,000 per year on electric bill. They will jump at the opportunity to change their lighting to fluorescent and you will just have enlisted another family in helping to save the earth that we all love so dearly. Tell them to spread the word b purchasing some of the T-Shirts also so that we can all get our village involved in the business of reversing global warming.

For a limited time we will give you one FREE 14 watt compact fluorescent light bulb (replaces a 60 watt incandescent light bulb) for each T-Shirt that you buy from This means that you are getting a FREE shirt because you will save much more on your electric bill that the mere $19.95 cost of the T-Shirt. Imagine that, a T-Shirt as a political activist.